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Special Education

School posters on wall:  It's ok not to know, but it's not ok to not try and a goal without a plan is just a wish.

Special Education Services at Jemez Day School

Jemez Day School’s special education program empowers students with special needs to reach their full potential. We provide an effective and inclusive program for students with learning challenges and disabilities. Our students benefit from the appropriate learning tools and accommodations to help them advance to the next grade level. We implement activities and learning processes into our holistic curriculum that aid in our students’ mental, physical and social development.

Our dedicated special education teachers promote a nurturing learning environment to meet the unique needs of each student. The Jemez Day School special education program focuses on the early identification of any developmental issues, which better facilitates better facilitates student achievement. Our faculty, staff and parents/guardians must also be proactive when designing the best education plan for a student.

Individualized Education Plans are created with the cooperation of a student’s teachers, parents/guardians and specialists. A specialized team is assembled to focus on the student’s progress, achievements and difficulties. Necessary accommodations are always incorporated into a student’s IEP and monitored for their effectiveness. Our special education program aids students in their transition from assisted learning to independent learning.

The partnership between parents/guardians and our special education teachers is vital to the students' success in our program. We encourage families to participate actively in the education plan so that students always receive the attention and support they need. For all students with special needs, the learning process continues at home. Parent/guardian feedback, suggestions and questions are always welcome. Together, we elevate students to higher levels.

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